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Best Body Wash for Teenage Guys

Best Body Wash for Teenage Guys

As the parent to a teenage boy, you know by now that their scent is a unique one and his lack of personal hygiene can often be to blame. So when he DOES finally take the time to shower, the importance of an effective body wash with a lasting fresh scent gets promoted to top priority.

You may be thinking that any body wash will work so long as it smells better than him, but there are actually some specifics to shop for when choosing the best body wash for teenage guys or pre-teens.

Prep U | Ingredients matter

1. Ingredients

This is simple, yet critical: you’re looking for a bottle chock full of all-natural ingredients – words you can pronounce and ingredients you know. Our Prep U 2-in-1 Hair & Body Wash is plant-based which means it’s formulated with oils and scents you can only find in nature, not in labs, to deliver a powerful, yet gentle clean for all skin types.

Sure, body wash for teens that boast paraben and sulfate-free formulas are good options compared to the alternative, but even these bottles can sneak in some questionable ingredients that can be harsh on skin. Be wary of overcomplicated options and opt for the stuff that’s non-toxic. Don’t be fooled, simplicity can be successful when it comes to getting him squeaky clean.

2. Skin type

If your son’s skin is quick to react to lotions and soaps, prone to breakouts, or extremely dry, you’ll want to find a body wash for sensitive skin. And while this shouldn’t come as a surprise, the best body wash for sensitive skin are those made from all-natural ingredients. That’s because these formulas leave out harsh chemicals and irritants like alcohols and sulfates. 

3. Scent

Since improving his scent is typically the main objective, you’re looking for a body wash that smells good all day but won’t induce the gag reflex when he walks past. Let’s just say less is more when it comes to choosing a best-smelling body wash that lasts.

Look for a teen body wash that derives its scent from its ingredients. Not only is this the best way to ensure the scent’s longevity, but it also helps to avoid synthetic ingredients or perfumes which can aggravate skin. We get our Citrus Mint notes from the essential oils we use that also help remove dirt and grime for a light, shower-fresh smell that is noticeable without knocking you out. “Invigorating”, light scents are often the best route when choosing a body wash for teens.


Prep U | Charcoal Bar Unscented

Armed with these three criteria, your search for the best body wash for teens and pre-teens can now commence. Prep U Charcoal Face & Body Scrub and Charcoal Soap Bar are also two effective options when it comes to finding the best body wash for teenage guys. That’s because it checks all the boxes above, while also using the natural activated charcoal ingredient to draw out odor-causing bacteria. Think of it as an added layer of protection from odor.



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