Resource - Witch Hazel Toner for Breakout
Witch Hazel Toner for Breakout
Are you looking for an all-natural product for your acne-prone teenage boy? If so, the Prep U Blem Pen is a witch hazel based toner that can help set the table for a breakout fighting regimen.
As with other Prep U personal care products, the Blem Pen is all-natural. Prep U launched in December of 2017 as an undertaking to provide a line of products for tween and teen boys that are age appropriate as hygiene and self-care become an expected part of living day-to-day.
Natural and Safe Skin Care for Boys
Acne is a common headache of adolescence. Puberty triggers it, and intense activity and poor self-care can intensify the problem. Give your son a safe and easy way to cleanse and tone his skin regularly to make his face less inviting to breakouts. The Prep U Blem Pen can slide unobtrusively into his school or sports bag as he heads out for his day.
Prep U Blem Pen: This portable toner in pen form has astringent, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory properties using only natural ingredients. From witch hazel to aloe, lavender, coriander, grapefruit, tea tree, and more, our Blem Pen is rolled onto problem areas and re-applied as needed. Doing so can help speed up clearing of breakouts and minimize their spread.
Witch hazel is a much-lauded skin care ingredient used for hundreds of years to treat inflammation and irritation of the skin. Its properties are well-known, but our formulation elevates it further. For acne, the astringent can dry out breakouts while the tannins in witch hazel can lessen inflammation.
The choice to go natural with self-care products is important for several reasons, mostly to protect from exposure to chemicals. Just as you do with your organic diet, the lotions, cleansers, and other potions you put on your skin and allow your son to put on his should be free of potentially harmful ingredients.
When you read the list of ingredients on the Blem Pen, you’ll be able to pronounce and recognize them. We, as a brand, strive to provide products that are safe for guys with sensitive skin as well.
Acne is a sensitive issue for most guys; yours is likely the same. While you teach him how to care for his own body and hygiene, the Blem Pen can come in handy. In situations where acne is unrelenting and damaging his self-image, a visit to the dermatologist is your best bet.
All Prep U personal care products are made in batches in Austin, TX. We use absolutely NO parabens, dyes, sulfates, aluminum, artificial fragrances, GMOs, or gluten. The entire suite of products is cruelty-free and vegan.
Choose Prep U personal and self-care products when the time comes to show your son how to take care of his hygiene requirements.
Prep U’s Blem Pen is a witch hazel toner that can get rid of the oil, sweat, bacteria, and dead skin cells that can clog pores and cause a breakout. Learn more about this convenient and effective product by reaching out online.