Good Hygiene for Boys | Prep U Skip to content

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Resource - Good Hygiene for Boys

Good Hygiene for Boys

Maintaining good hygiene is easy as long as your boys take the right steps to keep themselves clean and build good habits they can stick to. Prep U has the award-winning products that will help you introduce personal care into your sons’ lives and tackle body odor without the use of harmful chemicals.

Why Does He Stink?

Body odor is linked to puberty, so it's important to determine if your son has started puberty already. Boys typically start puberty between the ages of 9 and 14, but it can happen earlier. Signs of puberty can include vocal changes or underarm/pubic hair.

As his hormones shift into high gear, so may the production of sweat, which is usually the underlying cause of body odor. As puberty nears, skin also becomes naturally oilier. That’s not his fault, but ignoring the change will be a big mistake. This is typically the clearest indicator of when your boy should start using Prep U’s award-winning products.


Basics of Controlling Body Odor in Boys

If you catch a whiff of something stinky from your boy, it may be the right time to teach him about the basics of personal hygiene. Not only is kids’ health and hygiene important for their wellbeing, but also for their independence and confidence.

Talk to your son about these hygiene basics that can help control odor beyond just using deodorant.

  • Bathe or shower daily (and after sports or other sweat-producing activities) to limit bacteria on his skin; let him choose a body wash or other product he would like to use.
  • Wash all body parts thoroughly, including the more smell-prone areas that contain sweat glands, like armpits, genitals, and feet.
  • Wear clean and dry clothes, underwear, and socks daily.
  • Try wearing loose-fitting, breathable clothing that may keep him from sweating so much.
  • Watch what he eats in case something like garlic, onions, or spicy food is contributing to his body odor

If all else fails and his body odor persists, it’s probably time to start using deodorant every day.

Introduce Him to Prep U Deodorant

Prep U Natural Deodorant is designed for boys aged 8 to 17. Instead of using chemical agents to fight armpit odor, a combination of essential oils addresses the problem. And, because we make it with organic and wholesome natural ingredients, it will not only fight odor and wetness, but will do it without causing skin irritation.

Prep U Charcoal Deodorant is made for sensitive skin. The addition of activated charcoal helps to draw out and absorb odor-causing bacteria and toxins. It’s also great at keeping underarms dry and odor-free without the use of aluminum, parabens, or other harmful ingredients.

Our products are All-Natural, Sulfate Free, Paraben Free, SLS Free, Propylene Glycol Free, Phthalate Free, Synthetic Fragrance-Free, GMO-Free, Cruelty-Free, Gluten-Free, Vegan, and Dermatologist recommended.

Prep U Natural Deodorant has also earned the highest EWG Skin Deep® rating. This means it contains none of the ingredients on EWG’s “Unacceptable” list, meets EWG’s standards for ingredient disclosure on the label; and follows good manufacturing practices to further ensure product safety.

Good hygiene for boys starts with Prep U’s award-winning products. Contact us online for more information or answers to your questions.

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